On 22 May 2014, voters in the United Kingdom will be going to the polls for the European Parliament elections. In the past these elections have often attracted a low turnout of voters in the UK. Only a third of voters participated in the 2009 European elections, compared to two thirds who voted in the 2010 General Election.

Opinion may be divided about the benefits of being a part of the European Union (EU), but our daily lives are affected by the decisions taken there and Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are key to this process. Yet 95% of the British public cannot name a single MEP representing their area and few understand how the European Parliament functions. For many people the European Union is distant and complex.

The joint public issues team of the Baptist, Methodist & United Reformed Churches has put together a briefing document which outlines some of the issues for the election, why it is important to us, and what we can do.


  • Why should we care about the European elections?
  • What are the issues?
  • The EU & Human Rights
  • Migration
  • EU: in or out?
  • Financial Crisis
  • Climate Change
  • Tax Justice
  • What are the duties of an MEP?
  • Who can vote?
  • How do the elections work?
  • Proportional representation
  • Other Resources
  • How do the European Parliament and European Union work?
  • What can I do?

pdfEuropean Elections Resources for Churches


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Slideshow shots by Ben White on Unsplash