We believe in God the Father Almighty who, for our sake, sent Jesus into the world. He came as a baby born of the Holy Spirit, was crucified as a sacrifice for our sin, dying in our place, and on the third day he rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, where he prays for us continually and we await his return. We believe the Bible is the word of God and that believers’ baptism is a public expression of a personal faith in Jesus.

We have adopted the 5 core values of a Baptist Church to be a prophetic, inclusive, sacrificial, missionary, worshipping Christian community. 

In our worship we give attention to scripture, preaching, prayer and the Lord’s Supper; have a devotional relationship to God the Father, an openness to the Holy Spirit and a concern for the Kingdom of God and Lordship of Jesus Christ.  Using a variety of styles and approaches, we aim to make worship more accessible and inclusive.

In our life together we seek always to be bound in love and fellowship, and, as we journey together, to work in the unity of the Spirit for the sake of God’s mission.

In our communities we promote justice and all that it is good and true and seek to bring the love of Jesus into everyday life for the growth of the Kingdom of God. Play a full part in the East Midlands Baptist Association and working, as much as possible, with churches of other traditions.

Our vision: These beliefs and values lead us to our vision for Keyworth Baptist Church to be a Christian community that is:

  • Worshipping corporately and individually.
  • Growing in faith and love for each other.
  • Winning people for the Kingdom of God.
  • An influence for good in the life of the village and beyond.

You're welcome

We hope you enjoy what you see on our website and make use of some of our resources. And if you'd like to get to know us we'd love to hear from you. Use our contact form. We meet in the Centenary Lounge by the Village Hall at 10.45am. We have a midweek meeting for study and prayer which is usually online.



We have a Data Protection policy

We put the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk first and have a comprehensive Safeguarding policy.

Contact Us

Please send your correspondence to the church secretary. Here are the contact details for our website administrator. Use the handy web form for your message. If you want a response remember to give us your email address.

Slideshow shots by Ben White on Unsplash