For many years the Baptist Missionary Society (BMS) Stamp Bureau has been a channel to support the work of BMS World Mission by many individuals and churches who have collected and donated stamps and other collectible items such as old and new postcards, cigarette and tea cards, foreign currency (both notes and coins), medals, badges and similar items.

"Over £13,000 was raised by the Stamp Bureau last year" explains Michael Quantick, BMS Corporate Services Manager, "this is really very significant when we look at the impact this has in mission terms. In the first six months of this financial year we have already received over £6,000. Looking at some of our current mission activities, £13,000 would support 15 national workers in Thailand engaged in mission through outreach to women and young people, leadership training, care for disabled children at Hope Home, and providing alternative livelihoods for women trapped in prostitution through BMS partner NightLight. At our hospital in Chad, it would help us support a hospital chaplain, nurses and malnutrition prevention workers among the vulnerable community at Guinebor II. Your collection of stamps will really help to make a difference and change lives among vulnerable and marginalised people."

"If you or your church are not already collecting stamps for BMS then we would encourage you to do so. To aid you in this please use the image as an advert which you can use in your church magazine or notice sheet. There is also an A4 poster on which you can enter your own name or that of the person co-ordinating the collecting of stamps within your church (before you print the poster). This, together with the Stamp Bureau leaflet, can be downloaded from the BMS website:

"If you have contacts with local businesses and offices that are likely to receive quantities of mail, why not see if they will save their stamps and pass them on to you?

"Many thanks to all who support BMS in this way and to those who haven’t done so before, why not start collecting stamps for BMS or donating a collection to the BMS Stamp Bureau either now or by way of a legacy? Donations should be sent to BMS World Mission (Stamp Bureau), PO Box 49, Didcot OX11 8XA. Please enclose your details and preferably an email address if you would like an acknowledgement."

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Slideshow shots by Ben White on Unsplash